Чари весни
Price 25 грн

Release year: 2005

Selection of the repertoire of songs and the idea of 70-80s years owned by the Director of the "Reunion", producer Sergey Bachynskyy. Ternopil.

The album includes the best songs of last century. The vast majority of hits known authors and artists. Sung songs as their native language and the language of neighboring states: Hungarian, Moldavian, Russian. This album was preparing for a tour just in those countries.

1. "Za mene zamizh vyidy" M. Syngaivskiy - A. Ekimian
2. "Oksana" S. Bachynskyy - H. Movsesyan
3. "Zhovtiy lyst" V. Ivasuk - V. Hromtsev
4. "Ne pershyi raz" S. Bachynskiy - Ya. Frenkel'
5. "Doroga kohannya" S. Bachynskiy - R. Paulz
6. "Ptaha" A. Zhytkevich - O. Mayovskiy
7. "Za Vkrainu mylu" lyrics and music are folk
8. "Chervona ruta" V. Ivasiuk
9. "Chaklunka hir" V.Kudryavtsev - I. Holyak
10. "Oi, u poli ruta, ruta" lyrics and music are folk
11. "Ne zvertau na tebe uvagy" I. Shenos - T. Konts, Hungarian
12. "Solodke vyno" A. Dumitrash, Moldavian
13. “Rizhaya metelitsa” М. Plyatskovskiy - V. Dobrynin, Russian
14. “Lebedinaya vernost" A. Dementiev - E. Martinov, Russian
15. “Kohaty chas” A. Semyonov - O. Vratyov
16. “Zapytai u sertsya” О. Osadchyi - О. Vratariov